If you suspect that an adult is being ABUSED, NEGLECTED OR EXPLOITED, please contact Adult Protective Services at 1-800-252-5400.
Instructions for making a referral to the courts for Brazos Bend Guardianship Services to be considered for serving in our Corporate Guardianship Program:
- Contact Brazos Bend Guardianship Services Staff and let them know you have an incapacitated adult that may be in need of a legal guardian and to see if we have the capacity to take a client.
- The BBGS Staff will ask questions and go over the Eligibility Criteria. The potential client must have a source of income and some form of health insurance.
- The potential client must be a resident of Fort Bend County and live with some type of provider (preferably licensed.) BBGS is unable to consider potential clients if they have a history of being transient.
- Potential client’s behavior must be appropriate for a BBGS Staff to be around.
- Complete a 1102 Letter Request for Investigation Questionnaire/Letter. This letter can be found on this website under Resources.
- Obtain a Dr.’s Letter. A blank letter is also available on the BBGS website under Resources.
- Either hand delivers the 1102 Questionnaire/Letter and Doctor’s Letter to the Fort Bend County Clerk’s Office (Probate Dept. )located in the Fort Bend Justice Center at 1422 Eugene Himann Cr., Richmond, Tx. OR Send it by CERTIFIED MAIL to the mailing address listed at the top of the 1102 Questionnaire/Letter.
- The court will review the information and determine if a Guardian Ad Litem or Attorney Ad Litem needs to be appointed.
- If an Attorney Ad Litem or Guardian Ad Litem is appointed, an investigation will take place to determine if possible guardianship is needed or another lesser restrictive alternative will work.
- If guardianship is being recommended, a determination has to be made if the proposed ward has any family members or friends that can serve as their legal guardians.
- BBGS may be recommended to serve as the legal guardian if there are no family members or friends that are willing or able to serve in that capacity for the proposed ward and if BBGS is the most suitable agency to help meet those needs.
- BBGS cannot guarantee that the court will appoint BBGS to serve as the guardian because that decision lies with the judge hearing the case
- NOTE: The Courts are not required to take action on an 1102 referral within a certain amount of time.